Can you solve this Grade 5 Math problem?

Susie bought 5 kg of flour and 4 kg of sugar for $14.80. If 3/4 kg of flour cost as much as 3/5 kg of sugar, find the cost of 1 kg of sugar.


Step 1: Draw 4 small boxes to represent the cost of 4 quarters (or 1 whole) of 1 kg of flour.

Since 3/4 kg of flour cost as much as 3/5 kg of sugar, mark out 3 boxes (which is 3/4 of 1 kg of flour) to equate to 3 boxes (which is 3/5 of 1 kg of sugar) of sugar.

Add 2 small boxes to the right of the "sugar" model to show the cost of the rest (2/5 kg of the sugar) of the 1 kg of sugar.

Click here to see the detailed solution.

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